my fiance is taking me to his military ball this friday. thanks to my work schedule i wont have time to get my hair done and will have maybe 20 minutes to do it myself before we HAVE to leave. i have a little longer than chin length hair that i flat iron daily. it is naturally curly and i have --steam hot rollers, my chi, and a regular curling iron along with several black headbands and tons of little jaw clippies. any ideas what i could do? it's not really long enough to pin back in a french twist. someone help, i never got to go to prom and i really want to look great. my dress is awesome, i dont want my hair to look bad.
Hair for a formal military ball?
if your dress is awesome, keep it simple. you could just straighten it, and maybe get some shine spray. that way, your hair will be sleek, shiny, and sophisticated, but it won't outshine your dress. or you could buy a nice hair accessory or two. a head band with rhinestones or a little sparkle would do nicely or you could do a side part and pin the side closest to the part back with a decorative bobby pin or two. the best part is you could probably find something nice and affordable at your local walmart or target. in any case, i'm sure your finace will think you look stunning regardless of how you choose to do your hair, and that's all that matters.
Hair for a formal military ball?
You could put lots of curls in your hair...then pull it back with either a butterfly clip or in two pony tails, then fluff the curls to hide the clip. This looks really great and is super easy!
Hair for a formal military ball?
I was thinking Shirley Temple curls. Kind of like Carrie on Sex in the City, the beginning of Season 5. I don't know if you watch the show, but the episode where the girls go to Atlantic City and she's with Charlotte on the trolley or her book release party. I would stay away from the headbands/jaw clips. Unless the headbands have sequins or something. You can look on the Sex in the City website. Your hair sounds about the same length her's was at that time. But most of all have fun!!
Hair for a formal military ball?
Unfortunately your hair is at a tedious length to try a variety of styles. However, given that you have naturally curly hair, what I would do is use large velcro curlers to give your hair waves and bounce (quik-fix glamour-do).
First off, get started at least 3 hrs. in advance before leaving, so that you have enough time to fix mistakes.
Warning: If you are not used to styling hair (yours or someone elses') then get someone else to do it to you. It's easy to fumble something like this so get some practice time in beforehand, and not minutes right before the event.
Next, do this on DRY HAIR. Never on wet hair! (it won't take hold)
Apply a dime-size amt. of super-hold hair gel (use salon-quality for pete's sake, the grocery store stuff is loaded with alcohol and damages hair and is not terribly effective) to the roots extending outwards, then put in the rollers. Don't go overboard here; this just ensures enough lift so it doesn't flop over during the night.
Once they're in the rollers (heat or not, doesn't matter here), hairspray them all-over enough to keep the wave fixed in, but not too much that you end up with crunchy hair. (Bumble %26amp; Bumble makes a great hairspray) If you're not using heat rollers, use your blow-dryer on low heat with a diffuser attached at the end and get coverage all over. (my favorite method) Depending on the thickness of hair, you could leave it in anywhere from 25-45 mins. Naturally the coarser the hair, the longer the time it takes to set. If you have unusually thin, wispy or brittle hair, 10-15 min. should suffice.
When set, unroll hair gently outwards or else you'll get a tangly mess. DO NOT COMB THRU! Don't think of using that brush either! You finger style it the way you want. Brushing it will unravel the curls and tangle-in the products applied.
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