Sunday, July 26, 2009

How should I do my hair and make up for Winter Formal?

Okay...soooo...Winter Formal is comin up and I was wondering if any one has any suggestions on hair and make up...any tips?

my hair is shoulder length and layered with side swept bangs %26amp; my dress is a brown, strapless Jessica McClintock.

any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

thnx =) !

How should I do my hair and make up for Winter Formal?

Wear your hair in a nice up do because it very fancy and classy. Also for makeup go for the natural look. Maybe just add a LITTLE sparkle to the cheekbones.

If you want you could go to a department store and ask for a make over. They will do it for free in hopes you will buy something. Only thing is you might get nasty stares when you walk away with buying anything.

Have fun at the dance! =)

How should I do my hair and make up for Winter Formal?

hair down and straightened and then alittle shiney white eye shadow

How should I do my hair and make up for Winter Formal?


you should put half of it up.

like you knw how they put it up up with like swirly curls in the back?

but do it half up since your hair is shoulder length.

and keep your bangs on the side.

for makeup, go get it done at macy`s. at mac. (:

they`ll knw what to do.

How should I do my hair and make up for Winter Formal?

Dont where to much makeup or over do it. Its just winter formal and there will be prom. If you want to have fun, go with the comfy side. nice dress heels that you wont get sore feet in. Everyone at my dance took off there shoes, because it was painful dancing in them. Oh yeah have fun and dont worry what other people think. Lots of girls just straightened there hair. Or they had some cute curls. Have fun!

How should I do my hair and make up for Winter Formal?

if it's a winter ball, then you should totally frost it up with your make up! :D Wear frosty-ish eye shadow, and very light (almost snowy) colors. I don't think a brown dress is very good for winter but if you're hair and make-up look good then it won't matter what color your dress is. For hair, maybe you should keep it up in a bun or something, ya know, for a more sophisticated look. (Not so "omg! I'm like totally going to the dance!") I also think the winter type jewelry will look nice. More gems and not so much metals. Like a nice diamond (or replica) necklace would look really classy. Keep it light with the jewelry and make up though, beautiful people don't wear that much of it because you just want to highlight your features, not cover them up ~ so be beautiful!! %26gt;_%26lt;

How should I do my hair and make up for Winter Formal?

what color hair and eyes do you have? what kind of style do you want it to be? ex. exotic, natural, etc. try looking on, they have lots of tips!!!

How should I do my hair and make up for Winter Formal?

Well a great and easy hair style would be to twist it up, as if you're about to put it in a clip, and just use little stylish clips to hold it up. Then curl the hair left at the top and lay it out around the twist. hope I helped a little...


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