Sunday, July 26, 2009

Hair and make up ideas for a formal dance?

I have a formal dance for my school in a few weeks, and I was wondering if anyone had ideas on how to wear my hair and makeup.

I have medium brown hair that's pretty long (about to my mid back), with dark brown eyes and a light tan.

Hair and make up ideas for a formal dance?

You should try curling your hair. Create a deep side part and for some extra drama tease the crown area for some volume..kind of a poof. Gather all your hair and pull it into a low pony off to one side and let the curls cascade over your shoulder. Use a cute rhinestone barrette to cover the elastic or for a more subtle and sophisticated look wrap a one inch section of hair and wrap it around the elastic and secure with a bobby pin. This look is very glam but still looks young and trendy. Hayden Panatierre and Eva Longoria sport this hairdo a lot =D

Since you have a light tan going...maybe sticking to gold colors and keeping the face monochromatic will be very pretty. Use a little tinted moisturizer to even out your skintone. If you don't have that then try mixing oil-free moisturizer with some liquid foundation or you can just use powder...whichever you prefer. If you have bronzer apply some lightly to the forehead, bridge of nose, and chin to create and enhance your glow. You can also use a little highlighter on your cheekbones which is the area above your apples and under your eyes. Use a peachy blush with a little bit of shimmer on the apples of your cheeks. Smile into a mirror and the apples will be easy to spot. Use a shimmery gold shadow on your lids and add a thin line of black liner and tons of black mascara for wow lashes. Keep you lips nude with gloss or lipstick. The idea is to keep the colors within the same color family for maximum'll look like a bronze goddess.

Have fun!

Hair and make up ideas for a formal dance?

Since idk how to list sources here, Google ''Beauty style websites.'' Have fun at the dance =)

Hair and make up ideas for a formal dance?

always have an updo for formal affairs also a smokey eye would be nice.

Hair and make up ideas for a formal dance?

i love long hair, i wouldnt put it up.. i would leave it down mabie with some rollers or loose curls. As for the makeup.. it depends on the color of your dress but the golden and antique kind of colors and metallic shades are in rite now.. with a soft lip.

Hair and make up ideas for a formal dance?

loosely curl hair

keep it simple with brown eye shadow

black eyeliner

black mascara (I swear by great lash by mabelline)

Pink glossy lip/ red lip( go for a more brown shade than pink)

Hair and make up ideas for a formal dance?

Oh, honey, for a formal, you can go all out. at night Color shows up!

Wear your hair in an updo %26amp; show off your face %26amp; neckline!!

Black eye liner, black mascara- smashbox is the best waterproof eye-liner i've ever tried. It looks great %26amp; goes on easily. Highlight your eyes Forehead %26amp; brow-bone with White highlighter - if you dont have any get some white eye shadow, you'd be surprised what it or blush can double for.

get those lips the color you want %26amp; put the SHINE on 'em!! That's hot right now %26amp;I personally love it. You dont have to overdo your coverage since it's dark %26amp; you dont wanna wear some makeup that's gonna rub off on your dates tuxedo, so go w/a mineral or waterproof make up,like mary kay. %26amp; bare minerals isnt all it's cracked up to be %26amp; not the only one out there. I've found tons of them on e-bay, even MK has them %26amp; you can bet they'll be HONest!! about what's in them.........

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