Sunday, July 26, 2009

I have my Semi Formal this friday...i have totally straight hair. How do I curl it?

I have my Semi Formal this friday...i have totally straight hair. How do I curl it?

I have my Semi Formal this friday...i have totally straight hair. How do I curl it?


I have my Semi Formal this friday...i have totally straight hair. How do I curl it?

Use extra strength wash and curl. Follow the instructions to the letter, but leave it in a little longer. Then curl it with a curling iron and use pins placed strategically to keep weight off the curls. Then spray it with extra hold hair spray. My hair is straight too, and I always wear it curly for the dances at my school.

I have my Semi Formal this friday...i have totally straight hair. How do I curl it?

Do sleep-in curlers:

Go to bed with curlers

And make sure you use alot of gel/hair spray

I have my Semi Formal this friday...i have totally straight hair. How do I curl it?

I have straight hair too, and the best way to get a curl and keep it is to spray your hair with hair spray before you roll it up on the curling iron. the girl who does my hair will even spray it while it's on the curling iron, and when she lets it off the curling iron it makes a really pretty curl that will last all night. but never, ever run a brush through it! if you do, it will cause it to straighten out again. just arrange your curls with your fingers.

I have my Semi Formal this friday...i have totally straight hair. How do I curl it?

Well It's a little late for this now but..You could get a semi-permanent body wave or perm. Some of the new ones last up to three months and do very little damage to the hair. They work best on hair with some wave though.

I have my Semi Formal this friday...i have totally straight hair. How do I curl it?

What's wrong with straight hair?

I have my Semi Formal this friday...i have totally straight hair. How do I curl it?

get curlers or a ribbon (roll up like a regular curler and tie at top )and wet hair a bit and sleep with them on . in the morning your hair will be curly

I have my Semi Formal this friday...i have totally straight hair. How do I curl it?

Hair does NOT start to curl until it is dry, believe it or not! Wash your hair, totally blow dry it %26amp; then put some mousse in it. Then put your curlers in %26amp; use some sort of finishing spray to help them set.

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