Sunday, July 26, 2009

I need SIMPLE hairstyles for short hair??

I have dark blonde hair with blonde highlights. I have side swep banges. My hair is 1.5'' past my chin, it is very flat. Nothing for formals.Ver SIMPLE Its just a simple school dance, courtwarming (basketball homincoming). I wanna look cute. HELP PLZ!!

Thanks 鈾モ櫏 =]]

I need SIMPLE hairstyles for short hair??

Take sections from the front, twist and pin. You can do a dramatic side part first and layer them over each other. They can be loose too, so you don't feel like a 10 yr old. Have fun!

I need SIMPLE hairstyles for short hair??

curl it!

I need SIMPLE hairstyles for short hair??

trust your hair person can''t go wrong

I need SIMPLE hairstyles for short hair??

ooo dats sooo cute.what i think u should do is get ur hair flat ironed with a iron and put a bump at the'll be soo damn

I need SIMPLE hairstyles for short hair??

usually hairbands work with your bangs hanging in the front

make-up: black eyeliner with mascara also smokey eyes

your hair sound very very good

I need SIMPLE hairstyles for short hair??

have it half up and half down

I need SIMPLE hairstyles for short hair??

Here is a great website that you can play around with and find a hairstyle you like...

I need SIMPLE hairstyles for short hair??

1.lil pig tails

2.head band makes it look cute

3.curl ur hair


5. Take ur bangs and pull them back right above ur hair line and bobby pin it.

I need SIMPLE hairstyles for short hair??

maybe a pretty head band or clips. and/or sleep with some curlers/use a curling iron. or go to a fabric store and get a piece of really pretty ribbon to match your outfit, and use it as a headband.

I need SIMPLE hairstyles for short hair??

check the links below for beauty tips to:-- * Short hairstyle tips-

I need SIMPLE hairstyles for short hair??

Try one of these styles.

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